SCHMIDT® HydroPneumaticPress

The application determines selection of the press system. Consideration is given to the flexible design of the assembly location taking into account the ergonomic and safety aspects. These characteristics are achieved by means of a finely adjusted, modular type product range. The efficiency and increased process reliability of these press systems have been proven many times, in single applications, semi-automated assembly systems and have been integrated into automated production lines.


  • Easy and accurate positioning of tools due to the precise alignment between ram bore and the ground fixture mounting plate.

* The force output preselector allows reducing the pressure for the power stroke to 1 bar. This reduces the nominal press force to 1 / 6 of the maximum force.

* The end positions of the ram can be sensed via the inductive proximity switches.

* No mechanical compression spring in the cylinder of the hydro-pneumatic system, providing a long service life

* Low maintenance resulting in high productivity

* Long service life and precision due to maintenance-free guides

* Tool protection due to smooth switchover from rapid approach stroke to power stroke

* Additional safety when using heavy tools due to the optional ram drift lock device for retention of ram in home position.

* Low noise level (< 75 dBA)

15 to 52 kN power stroke

Press type  616265
Total stroke - power stroke 1)mm50-6, 100-12
50-6, 100-12

50-6, 100-12
Nominal force atkN153052
Throat depthCmm131131160
Throat depth framemm151151185
Fixture mounting plate suitable for throat depth frameOOO
Ram boreømm20H720H720H7
External ram dimensionsG x Hmm36 x 6336 x 6346 x 86
Working height 2)F
Frame No. 34mm100 – 250100 – 250
Frame No. 301 omm160 – 400160 – 400
Frame No. 301 – 500 omm310 – 550310 – 550
Frame No. 35mm80 – 270
Frame No. 35 – 500 omm150 – 500
Frame No. 35 – 600 omm250 – 600
Weight (standard) approx.kg95110160
Frame overview Press type Frame height
M (mm)
Table size
W x D (mm)
Table bore
D (Ø mm)
Table height
K (mm)
Mounting Surface
W x L (mm)
No. 3461, 62630200 x 16025H7111200 x 370
No. 30161, 62830250 x 20040H7145250 x 460
No. 301 – 50061, 62990250 x 20040H7145250 x 480
Special fixture mounting plate with 3 longitudinal slots o300 x 220
400 x 230
No. 3565700300 x 22040H7141300 x 480
No. 35 – 50065990300 x 22040H7166300 x 560
No. 35 – 600651110300 x 22040H7166300 x 585
Special fixture mounting plate with 3 longitudinal slots o355 x 225
400 x 280
O Additional charge applies
1) Total stroke / power stroke options on request
2) Typical values; can vary ± 3 mm due to casting and production tolerances

72 to 100 kN power stroke

Press type  6468
Total stroke - Power stroke 1)mm50-6, 100-1250-6, 100-12
Nominal force at 6 barkN10072
Throat depthCmm160160
Ram boreEmm25H720H7
External ram dimensionsG x Hmm60 x 9060 x 90
Working height 3)F
Frame No. 64mm180 – 350
Frame No. 64-600 omm430 – 600
Frame No. 68 2)mm130 – 300
Frame No. 68/5 2) omm190 – 460
Weight (standard) approx. kg420350
Frame overview Press type Frame height
M (mm)
Table size
W x D (mm)
Table bore
D (Ø mm)
Table height
K (mm)
Mounting Surface
B x L (mm)
No.6464940400 x 29025H7185400 x 625
No. 64 – 600641200400 x 29040H7185400 x 685
No. 68 2)68810300 x 23040H7147300 x 550
No. 68/5 2) o68990300 x 23040H7147300 x 620
Special fixture mounting plate with 3 longitudinal slots o400 x 280
500 x 280
O Additional charge applies
1) Total stroke / power stroke options on request
2) Frame 68/5 required for 30 mm power stroke
3) Typical values; can vary ± 3 mm due to casting and production tolerances
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