Portrait of SCHMIDT Technology GmbH
One of the striking characteristics of successful companies is a strong innovation potential characterized by vision.
The outstanding characteristics of a successful company must include a strongly visionary innovation potential. In times of worldwide information exchange and the associated acceleration of all processes, further development and progress have become increasingly more important.
SCHMIDT Technology recognized this at an early stage and invested emphatically in the fields of research and development. Thus today in all three divisions at the St. Georgen location, specialists are dedicated to the research of the technical solutions of the future.
Highly qualified and motivated employees from over 50 different specialty areas are very much aware of the high standards of the company. They contribute their experience and knowledge to the success of the company daily in a responsible and dedicated way.
The modern architecture of the company promoting dialogue favours an atmosphere in all departments characterized by team orientation and an extensive exchange of ideas.
The identification of all employees with the company and the objectives of SCHMIDT Technology form the basis of lasting success and a stable position on the market – today and also in the future.
As an active enterprise on the world market with foreign subsidiary companies in USA, England, Switzerland, France and representatives worldwide, SCHMIDT Technology presents itself today as an internationally valued provider of know-how and innovation in the business fields of writing instrument technology, machines and sensors.
Research and development, production and sales – SCHMIDT Technology is a company characterized by its comprehensive capabilities. The variety of the qualified employees and the straightforward, team oriented working methods create a synergy that promotes the innovation in each individual company division.
In keeping with this, SCHMIDT Technology has been awarded all relevant quality certificates such as DIN EN ISO 9001. Protected by trademark law in over 40 countries worldwide, SCHMIDT® stands more than 85 years for the highest quality requirements. This secures, on the one hand, the value-added potential and, on the other hand, the continuity of the company development – one of the reasons that has enabled the company to secure jobs even in Germany.
With an export percentage that, in individual sectors, far exceeds 70 %, international relationships are a must. In these surroundings, the daily business requires the personal qualification and motivation of every individual without reservations.
As specialists in writing-instrument technology, we develop, produce and supply the most advanced inside technology for writing-instrument manufacturers all over the world. Generally speaking, this technology is the result of partnership and close co-operation with our customers. Our program is rounded off by custom-made solutions, and even complete writing instruments developed and produced by us as system partner for our customers.
The well-balanced assortment of the SCHMIDT® Press Systems are used in the metal-forming and assembly technologies in such work steps as assembling, flaring, joining, pressing, testing, bending, embossing, forming, stamping and riveting. From simple, manual workplaces to computer-controlled, fully automatic assembly machines with integrated quality control, the assortment covers all levels of automation employed today.
SCHMIDT® Flow Sensors are used to measure air and gas flow velocity on the basis of thermal principle. These high precision sensors are useful for energy saving, quality assurance of processes and for warranty in security of persons and appliances.
SCHMIDT® Flow Sensors operate in high-quality standard and OEM applications of the clean room and pharma sector, industrial processes, compressed air technology as well as ventilation and air conditioning.