Berufs- und Ausbildungsmesse 2024
24 May

Great interest at the BAM 2022 careers and training fair in Sankt Georgen in the Black Forest

The SCHMIDT Technology information stand at the job and training fair (BAM) in St. Georgen aroused great interest among students and parents who were looking for an apprenticeship. Here, all those interested had the opportunity to obtain comprehensive information about the training with us and the individual professions.

Trainer Heiko Abelmann and the trainees Tuba Sidan, Pirmin Kern and Adrian Wangler also showed some products from the writing instrument technology as well as pieces from the in-house training workshop. A special highlight was the compressed air steam engine designed and built by trainees, whose air consumption is controlled by a SCHMIDT® Flow sensor measured, the data via Bluetooth™ and displayed on a tablet.